• Collaborative tools to connect School and Landscape
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    News Edulands

    EduLANDS Final Conference


    EduLANDS Final Conference

    Landscape education for transitions

    Conference, Milan 26 and 27 on February,  2024

    The multidisciplinary symposium is the Final Conference of the Erasmus + project eduLANDS for transitions: learning collaborative tools to connect schools and landscape. It will discuss and promote methodologies and tools for landscape education to empower youths, foster their sense of belonging to the places and promote active responsible citizenship, even in vulnerable contexts. 

    The education should transcend the school walls to permeate the entire landscape.

    On this base, EduLands project encourages intergenerational exchange to take care of daily life landscapes, and it promotes the creation of networks of social agents and institutions interested in collaborating with schools in activities that connect with the landscape.

    The symposium presents the eduLANDS results, highlighting the analog/digital didactic tools and methodologies set up during the project.

    • How place-based education can open schools to the surrounding landscape?
    • How can we create a glossary of transition terms to be easily integrated into schools?
    • How can we empower young people through knowledge of their surrounding landscape?
    • How can schools reach out to the social agents of the territory and institutions, and create channels for their participation?

    To answer such questions, the seminar is open to teachers, scholars, artists, researchers, activists, andministration and education managers, and educators active in formal and informal contexts.

    During the event, workshops for co-designing educational paths will be offered to the participants.

    The conference will be held in Milan, and include field activities. It will have a practice-oriented approach, favoring presentations of concrete experiences and tools. Non-strictly academic presentations such as video and different formats and/or interactive activities are welcome.

    Similar experiences and good practices are welcomed to be shared and discussed so to enlarge the collaboration network.

    CALL FOR PAPERS will open by September the 20th, 2023.

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    EDULANDS is a 2-year strategic partnership, supported by the European Union. 2021-2023.