El proyecto EDULANDS FOR TRANSITIONS, en colaboración con Solarmanufaktur, estará en CONSOLFOOD2025 Advances in Solar Thermal Food Processing, in Marseille (France) 5-6-7 May 2025.
The EDULANDS FOR TRANSITIONS project, plus Solarmanufaktur, will be at CONSOLFOOD2025 Advances in Solar Thermal Food Processing, Marseille (France) 5-6-7 May 2025.
Gracias al trabajo solar incansable de Irene Lucas, presentaremos "Prototyping a solar canteen for the schoolyard" en este foro solar en Marsella el próximo Mayo/25
Thanks to the tireless solar work of Irene Lucas, we will present ‘Prototyping a solar canteen for the schoolyard’ at this solar forum in Marseille next May/25
Prototyping a solar canteen for the schoolyard, by Irene Lucas, Conchi Meseguer, Monica Candela
Solar Manufaktur, Vienna, Austria in cooperation with the ERASMUS+ Project eduLANDs for transitions (Murcia, Spain)
Irene Lucas, contact@solarmanufaktur.at, +436769208739 www.solarmanufaktur.at / www.expandedgarden.net / www.tozomia.net / www.edulands.eu
Abstract: The aim of this research is to adapt the uses of the solar cooker to the school canteen. This study is based on a practical example with a specific public school in Vienna which has an open classroom. The experience is a two-week accompaniment to the regular school programme, where pupils cook normally, with gas and wood. The Study will demonstrate that through solar cooking, the knowledge about healthy food and energy saving in the school canteen will improve and create an impact on the school community by linking traditional knowledge with modern ecological practices, as well as relate it to playground projects, such as the vegetable garden and open space activities and connection with the environments around the school. This research will also be supported within the framework of the Erasmus+ eduLANDs project by promoting cooperation with schools and associations that are working with solar cooking in Spain, Austria and Italy.
Keywords: Solar cooking, thermal cooking, energy-saving cooking box, fermentation, transdisciplinarity and sustainability, learning communities, energy transitions, food sovereignity
CONSOLFOODS 25 posee un programa potencial:
Solar drying of local fruits and vegetables, Ménar Meebed.
Solar Box Cookers: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Impact of Design Components, Kurt Neubek Father Himalaya.
The quest for high temperatures by solar means, Jean-Jacques Serra
Solar Cooking at Le Présage, a quest for a delicious future, Pierre-André Aubert
Solar Cooking and Psychopathology, Dave Oxford and Stewart Maclachlan
Necessary But Not Sufficient: Considering current and yet untried means of cooker distribution and promoting adoption, Luther Krueger
CONSOLFOOD 2025 is being planned for Marseille (Aix Marseille Univeristy and Le Présage solar restaurant, France). An exhibition of solar cookers will be available for viewing during the conference days. Our lunches will be planned to be produced with the help of our friend, the sun, at the solar restaurant. The whole CONSOLFOOD2025 conference program will be delivered in hybrid format, so those who register, but are not present at conference place in Marseille, will be able to participate online. CONSOLFOOD2025 parallel event can be organized at different places in other continents for interested people to attend online the oral communications as a group in a single room and to participate in other local activities. Once again, we will focus on advances in solar cooking, solar drying and other related solar food processing topics. As usual, we are attracting experts from all over the world to present and discuss the latest developments.
Here is some important information ABOUT 7 ESSENTIAL EDULANDS RESOURCES, and that our website offers, in case you want to investigate our resources on the web (click on the resource to open it):
EDULANDS LEARNING PLATFORM: this EDULANDS learning platform is a digital web space where all EDULANDS didactic tools are available.
EDULANDS LEARNING EXPERIENCES: Library of EDULANDS learning experiences in the form of TEACHING GUIDES, explicit methodology to be included in an educational curriculum.
SUBMIT A PROJECT application. With this application, any teacher or eco-social agent can include their own learning experience on the web, and transform it into a visual teaching guide. This will be useful, both for its visualisation on the web, its dissemination, and will serve as inspiration for other teachers. The final product is added to the library of learning experiences on the EDULANDS website.
SUBMIT AN ECOSOCIAL AGENT application. With this application, ECOSOCIAL AGENTS (professionals, associations, institutions, educational centres, .....) who wish to collaborate with education in ecosocial learning experiences can become part of our EDULANDS learning community. All you need to do is enter a short bio, a URL and a geolocation in the application to become part of the network of EDULANDS ecosocial agents and collaborate in the school-nearby landscape connection.
Library and search engine for open educational resources (OER/REA search) EDULANDS. All web resources (learning experiences, eco-social agents, and other resources) are geo-referenced in our resource search engine to stimulate collaboration in proximity.
EDULANDS HANDBOOK: It is a manual, downloadable on the web, that will help to initiate and reinforce the transition processes between schools and their surrounding landscape. It will help you to design your own learning experience for your classroom and to navigate through the different educational landscapes of the EDULANDS website.
EDULANDS MOOC: the Massive open course EDULANDS responds to a recommendation of the Council of the European Union, which encourages to highlight the important role of education as a tool to achieve a green and sustainable transition. In addition, the MOOC proposes landscape-oriented education for both exceptional and ordinary, degraded landscapes. This approach is innovative because it underlines the undeniable connection between landscape and quality of life and emphasises how institutions should incorporate landscape considerations into their policies.