• Collaborative tools to connect School and Landscape
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    A growing collection of relational resources
    School classroom (143)
    Action-Research in the field of urban and social studies to support public bodies and non-profit actors to develop innovative practices and collaborative learning related to contemporary society
    Edulands resource
    The objective of our proposal was to analyze the possible ways of evaluating the activities (MAPPING and ACTION) that teachers carried out with their students during the PILOT EXPERIENCES 1 and 2. We called this process of measuring the impact on the learning of ecosocial competence in students, teachers and the community EVALU-ACTION.
    Edulands resource
    The EduLANDs lexico is a tool to navigate through the EduLANDscape: The words are linked to the to the other results of the EduLANDs project (the learning experiences, the mini actions and the patterns). The patterns next to the words reveal the interrelatedness between patterns and words. If a word sparks interest, you can follow its colour-code to the connected pattern...
    Edulands resource
    You want to be guided in finding your learning experience for transitions? If yes, you are exactly on the right page. This chapter doesn’t offer a ready-made recipe to your learning experience but provides you with guiding questions, space to develop, draw and think about your possibilities and transition windows.
    EDULANDS MOOC Description
    Edulands resource
    The present MOOC responds to a recommendation by the Council of the European Union, which encourages highlighting the significant role of education as a tool for achieving a green and sustainable transition. Furthermore, the MOOC proposes a landscape-oriented education, both for outstanding landscapes and those that are ordinary and degraded.
    School common spaces (142)
    Action-Research in the field of urban and social studies to support public bodies and non-profit actors to develop innovative practices and collaborative learning related to contemporary society
    Virginia Pina Mingorance
    Ecosocial educator about rivers, ravines and the landscape around them
    Edulands resource
    The objective of our proposal was to analyze the possible ways of evaluating the activities (MAPPING and ACTION) that teachers carried out with their students during the PILOT EXPERIENCES 1 and 2. We called this process of measuring the impact on the learning of ecosocial competence in students, teachers and the community EVALU-ACTION.
    Edulands resource
    The EduLANDs lexico is a tool to navigate through the EduLANDscape: The words are linked to the to the other results of the EduLANDs project (the learning experiences, the mini actions and the patterns). The patterns next to the words reveal the interrelatedness between patterns and words. If a word sparks interest, you can follow its colour-code to the connected pattern...
    Edulands resource
    You want to be guided in finding your learning experience for transitions? If yes, you are exactly on the right page. This chapter doesn’t offer a ready-made recipe to your learning experience but provides you with guiding questions, space to develop, draw and think about your possibilities and transition windows.
    Suburban/rural (95)
    Virginia Pina Mingorance
    Ecosocial educator about rivers, ravines and the landscape around them
    Gloria Pilar Jiménez Costa
    Doctoranda en Neurociencia Cognitiva, Neuropsicóloga clínica, formadora, y creadora de la iniciativa "El Club del Cerebro". Presidenta de la Asociación Cultura Rancho Rosa
    Edulands resource
    The objective of our proposal was to analyze the possible ways of evaluating the activities (MAPPING and ACTION) that teachers carried out with their students during the PILOT EXPERIENCES 1 and 2. We called this process of measuring the impact on the learning of ecosocial competence in students, teachers and the community EVALU-ACTION.
    Edulands resource
    The EduLANDs lexico is a tool to navigate through the EduLANDscape: The words are linked to the to the other results of the EduLANDs project (the learning experiences, the mini actions and the patterns). The patterns next to the words reveal the interrelatedness between patterns and words. If a word sparks interest, you can follow its colour-code to the connected pattern...
    Edulands resource
    You want to be guided in finding your learning experience for transitions? If yes, you are exactly on the right page. This chapter doesn’t offer a ready-made recipe to your learning experience but provides you with guiding questions, space to develop, draw and think about your possibilities and transition windows.
    Urban/Neighborhood (154)
    Action-Research in the field of urban and social studies to support public bodies and non-profit actors to develop innovative practices and collaborative learning related to contemporary society
    Virginia Pina Mingorance
    Ecosocial educator about rivers, ravines and the landscape around them
    Gloria Pilar Jiménez Costa
    Doctoranda en Neurociencia Cognitiva, Neuropsicóloga clínica, formadora, y creadora de la iniciativa "El Club del Cerebro". Presidenta de la Asociación Cultura Rancho Rosa
    INTERSECCIONALES es un colectivo de profesionales con trayectoria en diversos trabajos pedagógicos, comunitarios e investigación social cuyo empeño se centra en recuperar la Acción Comunitaria como un eje transversal de todas las formas de Intervención Social. Y lo hace aplicando y consolidando las Metodologías Participativas, entendiéndose como un proceso de profundización democrática que se brinda a las personas y/o territorios con los que, y en los que, trabajamos desde las entidades sociales y las administraciones públicas locales y regionales. Entre nuestras inquietudes principales el trabajo comunitario marcará buena parte de nuestra hoja de ruta, sin dejar de lado lo individual y grupal.
    Edulands resource
    The objective of our proposal was to analyze the possible ways of evaluating the activities (MAPPING and ACTION) that teachers carried out with their students during the PILOT EXPERIENCES 1 and 2. We called this process of measuring the impact on the learning of ecosocial competence in students, teachers and the community EVALU-ACTION.
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    EDULANDS is a 2-year strategic partnership, supported by the European Union. 2021-2023.