• Collaborative tools to connect School and Landscape
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    Edulands learning experience

    And what does Santomera have?

    IES Poeta Julián Andúgar Santomera
    Miguel Pallarés
    IES Poeta Julián Andúgar Santomera, Av. Poeta Julián Andúgar, 14, 30140 Santomera, Murcia
    Víctor Reche Mulero
    IES Poeta Julián Andúgar Santomera, Av. Poeta Julián Andúgar, 14, 30140 Santomera, Murcia

    The group of students using a street map of the town and divided into groups of 3 or 4 students, go through the town noting those shops that due to their characteristics they consider interesting for anyone who arrives in Santomera and does not know sustainable and / or traditional trade, as well as recognized places to taste traditional dishes of the area. With the information obtained and together with the teacher of Geography and History we jointly elaborated an audio guide.

    The methodology emphasizes prior knowledge assessment, motivating learning situations, heritage education principles tied to Santomera, and collaborative, research-based learning activities. The development of the activity spans sessions dedicated to project introduction, contextualized learning, mental map creation, explanation recording, and sharing results. Evaluation encompasses initial data extraction, ongoing process assessment, and final results analysis to inform future project actions and their impact on students.


    • Audio Guide
    • Collaborative learning
    • Enviroment
    • Learning situation
    • Local landscape
    • Mind map
    • Santomera
    • Urban Environment

    Learning objetives and goals

    1. Bring them closer to the concept of landscape and how they perceive it.
    2. Distinguish elements of their immediate environment, which they value as important elements of their landscape and contextualized in Santomera.
    3. Structure in an orderly way (visually and orally) what they understand as relevant to the landscape of Santomera (mental map)
    4. Measure the impact, according to them, of their immediate environment
    Topics related to landscape and transition

    Learning experience data sheet

    Geography and History
    2nd Compulsory Secondary Education (2nd ESO)
    Age range of students
    12-13 years old
    Number of students
    50 pupils
    Number of groups/classes
    Number of sessions needed to develop in the experience
    Total time invested in the experience
    2 months
    Type of community involved


    Study area

    The study area in this educational activity is the municipality of Santomera. Students are focusing on exploring and understanding the landscape and elements within this specific geographical area as part of their learning experience.

    Pedagogical methodology
    1. Detection of previous knowledge to generate meaningful learning.
    2. Creation of a motivating learning situation, to achieve the solution to a problem posed (Project or Problem Based Learning, PBL)
    3. Approach of own principles of heritage education, associated with the municipality of Santomera.
    4. The entire methodological process is based on learning activities integrated in various contexts, which pose a challenge and an intellectual challenge for our students, where they learn by themselves, in an environment of teamwork and associated with the scientific research method.
    5. Methodology based on the creation of mental maps of the geography of
      perception and behavior.
    Type of collaborative experience

    The type of collaborative experience described in this educational activity is «Project or Problem-Based Learning (PBL).» In this approach, students work together to solve a problem or complete a project that is relevant to their learning objectives. They engage in collaborative activities, research, and teamwork to achieve a common goal, which, in this case, is the creation of a mental map and the exploration of the landscape of Santomera.

    Type of collaborative action
    Space where the experience is carried out

    The learning experience in this activity is carried out in the municipality of Santomera, specifically in the local landscape. Students are tasked with exploring and understanding their immediate environment, which includes elements of the landscape of Santomera. This hands-on exploration of the local landscape is an integral part of the educational experience, allowing students to connect their learning to the real world and their immediate surroundings.

    Where the learning experience has been developed
    Educational materials and/or resources needed

    Drawing apices, IES radio and camera to record.


    Initial or pre-assessment

    Extraction of objective data on the perception of the landscape of Santomera of our students.

    Formative evaluation

    Collection of data on the process of creating your mind map and the elaboration of the different associated activities.

    Final evaluation
    1. Sample of results to achieve a comparison between the perception of the landscape of the students and the evidences that we will show in the next phase of the project (actions).
    2. Creation of conclusions to plan the phase of actions and to be able to impact on our students.

    Supplementary materials

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    EDULANDS is a 2-year strategic partnership, supported by the European Union. 2021-2023.