• Collaborative tools to connect School and Landscape
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    Edulands learning experience

    Map of purchasing habits in my location

    IES Poeta Julián Andúgar Santomera
    Mercedes Sole Bernardino
    IES Poeta Julián Andúgar, Av. Poeta Julián Andúgar, 14, 30140 Santomera, Murcia

    The goal is to explore shopping areas in the students’ local environment and understand the purchasing habits of their families and neighborhoods. The key competencies addressed include evaluating environmental conservation actions and acquiring and communicating information for self-learning and practical application.

    The contents encompass the concepts of landscape and maps, as well as sustainable and circular economy principles. The methodology includes brainstorming sessions to define landscape and map concepts, individual work to design shopping maps for both families and neighborhoods, and culminates in the presentation and reflection on each student’s map. The project concludes with a recording of the work for presentation in Milan.

    This activity integrates geographical and economic concepts with practical mapping skills while fostering an understanding of local shopping habits and their environmental impact.


    • Collaborative learning
    • Landscape
    • Local commerce
    • Local landscape
    • Location
    • Map
    • Neighborhood Improvement
    • Purchasing habits
    • Santomera
    • Sustainable and circular economy

    Learning objetives and goals

    To know the shopping areas in my environment and the purchasing habits of my family and my neighborhood.


    1. Evaluate actions aimed at the conservation of the environment, differentiating the consequences of daily activities that may affect its balance.
    2. Get and communicate information aimed at self-learning and its use in different contexts of their personal, social or professional environment through resources within their reach and those of information and communication technologies.

    a) To work on transitions and/or sustainability.

    • The students work with the shop distance and the use of car to go to buy food, clothes, leisure activities.

    b) To work with heritage.

    c) To work collaboratively pupils/pupils-teachers/pupils-community (experts, professionals, families…).

    • The students did individual work; also they worked students and their families; finally students and their community.
    • They elaborate a survey and answer themshelves; they recorded the answers from their families and their neigbors.

    d) To connect the school with the community and the surrounding landscape.

    • This objective is described in to work collaboratively. The studentsworked with their families and their neighbors.
    Topics related to landscape and transition


    Learning experience data sheet

    Storage operations and sale of products
    2nd Initial Professional Training
    Age range of students
    16-18 years old
    Number of students
    17 (individual and by groups of 3, 4 or 5 students)
    Number of groups/classes
    Number of sessions needed to develop in the experience
    5 sessions
    Total time invested in the experience
    Type of community involved


    Study area
    • Landscape and map concept
    • Sustainable and circular economy
    Pedagogical methodology

    Development of the activity by sessions:

    • Session 1: Presentation of the activity to the group. Justification of it. To Know the concept of landscape and map according to each student: brainstorming. We define landscape and map according to the definitions of each student and we conclude.
    • Session 2: Design your family’s shopping map Individual work
    • Session 3: Design the shopping map of the people in your neighborhood. Individual work.
    • Session 4: Exhibition of each student’s map and explanation of how it was made. Reflection.
    • Session 5: recording to present the work in Milan.
    Type of collaborative experience

    The type of collaborative experience in the described activity, «MAP OF PURCHASING HABITS IN MY LOCATION,» is primarily project-based collaboration. Here’s how the collaboration is structured:

    • Individual Work: In sessions 2 and 3, students engage in individual work to design shopping maps for their families and neighborhoods. Each student works independently on their respective maps.
    • Group Work: While individual work is prominent, there is potential for group collaboration in session 1 when students collectively brainstorm and define the concepts of landscape and maps. However, most of the project appears to involve individual efforts.
    • Presentation and Reflection: In session 4, students collaborate by sharing their individual maps with the group and engaging in discussions and reflections. This collaborative aspect allows students to learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives.

    Overall, the project incorporates elements of both individual and group work, with a focus on individual map design and a collaborative component during presentations and reflections.

    Type of collaborative action
    Space where the experience is carried out
    • Classroom: Most of the learning activities, including brainstorming, map design, and presentations, are likely to occur in a dedicated classroom within the educational institution.
    • School Facilities: The educational institution provides the necessary facilities for classroom-based activities, including access to sheets, colors, rules, compasses, and markers, which are essential materials for the project.
    • Local Environment: While not explicitly mentioned, part of the learning experience involves students exploring and mapping their local environment, including shopping areas in their neighborhoods. This could involve fieldwork in the nearby community.
    • Recording for Presentation: The final session mentions recording the work for presentation in Milan. This recording might take place within the school’s multimedia or presentation facilities.
    Where the learning experience has been developed
    Educational materials and/or resources needed

    Sheets, colors, rules, compass and markers.


    Initial or pre-assessment

    Knowledge and basic concepts to carry out the activity: We answer the questions: what is landscape for me; what is for me map.

    Session 1: Presentation of the activity to the group. Justification of it.

    • To Know the concept of landscape and map according to each student:
    • We define landscape and map according to the definitions of each student and we conclude.
    Formative evaluation

    Session 2: Design your family’s shopping map (Individual work)

    Session 3: Design the shopping map of the people in your neighbourhood. (Individual work)

    Session 4: Exhibition of each student’s map and explanation of how it was made. Reflection.(group evaluate)

    Students give their maps to the teacher and evaluate the work done.

    Students present their maps to the group. Students present to the group:

    • Their definitions and the maps they have designed about the places where their families do shopping and their neigbours do.
    Final evaluation

    Session 5: recording to present the work in Milan

    • Teacher and students choose those maps which will be presented in Milán.
    • Students present a power point and a podcast about their work.

    Supplementary materials

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    EDULANDS is a 2-year strategic partnership, supported by the European Union. 2021-2023.