• Collaborative tools to connect School and Landscape
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    Edulands learning experience

    Voces de la Tierra

    IES Poeta Julián Andúgar Santomera
    Andrés Martínez Soler
    IES Poeta Julián Andúgar Santomera, Av. Poeta Julián Andúgar, 14, 30140 Santomera, Murcia
    Gelen Hernández Cerezo
    IES Poeta Julián Andúgar Santomera, Av. Poeta Julián Andúgar, 14, 30140 Santomera, Murcia

    This action has consisted of initiating a change in the model of relationship between the school and different sectors of society through the contents of the subject of Spanish Language and Audiovisual Communication. The activities and products have been very varied.


    • Heritage
    • Land
    • Photography
    • Poetry and language
    • Santomera

    Learning objetives and goals

    1. To value the historical and natural heritage of the orchard and the linguistic and literary heritage of our area.
    2. To propose new models of interrelations between the school and other sectors of society.
    Topics related to landscape and transition

    Learning experience data sheet

    Spanish Language and Literature and Audiovisual Communication
    3rd Compulsory Secondary Education
    Age range of students
    14-15 years old
    Number of students
    Number of groups/classes
    Number of sessions needed to develop in the experience
    Total time invested in the experience


    Study area

    Multidisciplinary educational project that combines various fields of study. It encompasses elements of linguistics, geography, history, literature, and cultural studies. It focuses on promoting community engagement through language, heritage, and arts education, particularly within the context of a local region or community.

    Pedagogical methodology
    1.  Autonomy of the student: they have decided in which phase and when to participate), although this has meant a greater effort of coordination on the part of the teachers involved.
    2. Working in diverse groups with different roles and responsibilities according to their interests and abilities.
    3. Service-learning: carrying out products and activities that serve the good of a part of society.
    Type of collaborative experience

    The type of collaborative experience is best characterized as a «Community-Based Learning» or «Service-Learning» project. This type of educational experience involves students collaborating with community members, local experts, and various sectors of society to address real-world issues or promote community well-being. In this case, students are engaged in activities that contribute to the local community’s understanding of its heritage, culture, and language while also fostering interrelations between the school and society. This collaborative experience goes beyond the classroom and actively involves students in practical, community-centered activities.

    Type of collaborative action
    Space where the experience is carried out
    • Opening of the exhibition: on March 13, the exhibition opens in Casa Grande, it takes place in the afternoon and the entire Santomeran society is invited to it. For the inauguration, all the students who have participated are present, who are also in charge of welcoming the attendees: there is an exhibition of traditional dances (seguidilas and jota) and they give three presentations on the three thematic axes of exposure.
    • Promotion of the exhibition: days before the opening, the students go to the weekly market to hand out leaflets about the exhibition, they visit local shops and the other local institute.
    • Workshop with the town hall reinforcement students: the same week as the inauguration, in collaboration with the town hall, a workshop is organized by the students for students participating in the educational reinforcement offered by the town hall (where primary and secondary school students from all the centers of the town attend). The workshop consists of painting a mural with a poem by Julián Andúgar, playing Barraca go! (a game based on the words of the Murcian dialect) and  a dynamic role-playing game in which the students explain their links with Santomera: on an A1 size map of Santomera, first, the students made themselves with plasticine and placed themselves on the map (somewhere that represented them) and explained the reason for their choice; then they did the same with a loved one; Later, they made a figure that represented their favorite place in Santomera and placed it; Lastly, the students created a creature (or object, person, plant) with the powers they wanted, once everyone had placed it, they were asked how each one could help the community.
    • Guided tour of the exhibition of other students of the center: the week of March 27, cultural days are held at the center. The students of all levels of the center attend the exhibition carried out by their classmates, who explain the process and everything they have learned in these months.
    Where the learning experience has been developed
    Educational materials and/or resources needed
    1. Camera Equipment: Students need access to cameras or smartphones to capture photographs of the natural environment, landscapes, and relevant cultural aspects.
    2. Sociolinguistic Survey Tools: Materials for conducting surveys and interviews to collect data on dialects and language use within the community.
    3. Educational Materials: Books, articles, and other reference materials related to local history, geography, literature, and culture for students to research and study.
    4. Audio Recording Equipment: Recording equipment for creating the audio guide, which might include microphones, recording software, and audio editing tools.
    5. Exhibition Materials: Materials for creating and setting up the exhibition, including display panels, printing services for photos and information, and audio guide playback devices.
    6. Leaflets and Promotional Materials: Printing materials such as leaflets and posters to promote the exhibition and engage with the local community.
    7. Computers and Software: Computers for data analysis, audio guide creation, and graphic design for exhibition materials.
    8. QR Code Generation Tools: Tools for generating QR codes to link to audio guides and additional content.
    9. Art Supplies: Materials for creating the mural, such as paint, brushes, and a large canvas or wall space.
    10. Transportation: If required, transportation for students to visit local residents or experts for interviews and research.
    11. Community Engagement Tools: Materials and equipment for community engagement activities, such as traditional dance costumes or props for role-playing games.
    12. Documentation Tools: Equipment for documenting the project, including video recording for a journalism project and audio recording for radio programs.
    13. Access to a Venue: A space or venue (Casa Grande) for hosting the exhibition, including seating and presentation equipment.


    Initial or pre-assessment

    In the first session, students carry out a questionnaire with two different parts: a) general part: they ask themselves what the landscape is, they must give an open answer with their own definition; b) Specific part: it questions about what they understand by linguistic landscape, through questions that try to know their opinion on the prestige of linguistic variety and on the features that characterize it, especially those that are going to be studied through the survey. The answers are shared and serve as a starting point to build a new definition of ‘landscape’.

    Formative evaluation

    Based on feedback, which starts from the results of the initial evaluation and  goes through  the organization of the groups and the entire process of research and dissemination of the project, which is adapted and oriented according to the needs that the students show.

    Final evaluation

    The evaluation has been based on the work done by each one, that is, not everyone has been able to evaluate the same criterion. In addition, since we have worked with a whole group (20-24 students), it has been difficult to do an individual evaluation on the different phases and works. The Edulands methodology is difficult to apply in large groups.

    In addition, due to the immense amount of working hours that took the organization of the three phases of the action, the evaluation “phase” was the most affected, because it could not be planned as it should. In any case, the evaluation instruments have been the participation in the presentations, in the audio guide and in the preparation of the exhibition in general. There has been no exam or standardized written work for everyone.

    The students who could not be evaluated through Edulands (because not all have participated and some have done it so very sporadically), made videos in which they explained the exhibition and the action that had been developed by their classmates.

    Supplementary materials

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    EDULANDS is a 2-year strategic partnership, supported by the European Union. 2021-2023.