• Collaborative tools to connect School and Landscape
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    Edulands learning experience

    Carrying out a collective audiovisual work

    Joaquín Lisón Bracq
    Conchi Meseguer

    The project involves creating a collective audiovisual work on the social and emotional perception of a chosen landscape. The objectives include reflecting on the landscape through audiovisual creation, fostering creativity and expression, understanding the concept of transition, acquiring acting and audiovisual technique knowledge, and promoting teamwork. The participants, including students, a teacher, and an audiovisual mediator, go through phases such as research, emotional exercises, script creation, rehearsals, filming, and editing. The process aims to deepen participants’ connection with their environment, incorporating emotional knowledge into the learning experience.


    • Audiovisual Co-creation
    • Community Engagement
    • Emotional Heritage
    • Experiential Education
    • Interdisciplinary Learning
    • Landscape Perception
    • Participatory Event

    Learning objetives and goals

    1. Reflect on a landscape through audiovisual creation.
    2. Foster creativity and expressiveness of participants through written, oral, physical, visual, and auditory language.
    3. Understand the concept of transition.
    4. Acquire knowledge of on-camera performance and audiovisual techniques.
    5. Learn to cooperate and work in a team.
    6. Discover practical tools for addressing and collectively resolving issues that affect us.
    Topics related to landscape and transition

    Learning experience data sheet

    Audiovisual communication/Art
    Age range of students
    Number of students
    Minimum 15 students
    Number of groups/classes
    Number of sessions needed to develop in the experience
    18 sessions
    Total time invested in the experience
    40 hours


    Study area

    The study area in this project is focused on the social and emotional perception of a chosen landscape. Participants engage in a multidisciplinary exploration that includes elements of geography, sociology, psychology, and the arts. The landscape serves as the central theme, and the study involves researching its various aspects, understanding the emotional responses it elicits, and ultimately translating these findings into a collective audiovisual work. The interdisciplinary nature of the study incorporates elements of environmental studies, cultural analysis, and artistic expression.

    Pedagogical methodology

    The pedagogical methodology employed in this project is experiential and participatory, designed to engage participants in a holistic learning process. The key elements of the methodology include:

    • Experiential Learning: Participants actively engage with the landscape through activities such as mapping, interviews, and audiovisual documentation. This hands-on approach allows them to directly experience and explore the chosen environment.
    • Interdisciplinary Approach: The project integrates various disciplines, including geography, sociology, psychology, and the arts. This interdisciplinary approach encourages a comprehensive understanding of the landscape from different perspectives.
    • Collaborative Learning: The project emphasizes teamwork and cooperation. Participants work in groups, fostering collaboration in tasks such as research, emotional exercises, and the creation of the audiovisual narrative. This collaborative environment reflects real-world scenarios where diverse skills are needed for a collective goal.
    • Creative Expression: The methodology incorporates artistic elements, encouraging participants to express their perceptions and emotions through audiovisual creation. This creative aspect adds depth to the learning process and allows for a more profound exploration of the chosen landscape.
    • Reflection and Dialogue: Throughout the project, participants engage in reflective practices. This includes sharing experiences, discussing emotional responses, and collectively shaping the narrative. Dialogue sessions provide opportunities for participants to articulate their thoughts, fostering critical thinking.
    • Practical Skill Development: Participants acquire practical skills in acting, camera operation, and video editing. These skills contribute to a well-rounded learning experience, aligning with the project’s goal of combining theoretical understanding with hands-on application.
    • Event Participation: The project culminates in a participatory event, specifically a film forum, where the created works are presented to a wider audience. This event promotes public engagement, discussion, and further reflection on the project’s themes.
    • Inclusive and Supportive Environment: The methodology places importance on creating a safe and supportive atmosphere. This is particularly crucial during emotional exercises, where participants share personal feelings. The focus on well-being ensures a positive and constructive learning environment.

    Overall, the pedagogical methodology is designed to go beyond traditional classroom learning, encouraging participants to actively explore, reflect, and express themselves within the context of the chosen landscape.

    Type of collaborative experience

    The collaborative experience in this project is characterized by a participatory and multidisciplinary approach. It involves different stakeholders working together towards a shared goal, emphasizing collective creativity, exploration, and expression. Key aspects of the collaborative experience include:

    • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Participants from diverse backgrounds, including students, a teacher, and an audiovisual artistic mediator, collaborate across disciplines such as geography, sociology, psychology, and the arts. This interdisciplinary collaboration enriches the project with varied perspectives and expertise.
    • Group Work: The project is structured around group activities, fostering collaboration among participants. Tasks such as research, emotional exercises, script creation, and audiovisual production are carried out collectively. This group dynamic encourages the exchange of ideas and the pooling of skills.
    • Collective Decision-Making: Throughout the project, decisions are made collectively, particularly during the script creation phase. The co-creation of narratives involves group discussions, allowing participants to contribute their insights and shape the direction of the project collaboratively.
    • Event Organization: The culminating participatory event, the film forum, involves organizing and presenting the collective audiovisual works to a wider audience. Participants take an active role in moderating discussions, showcasing their collaborative efforts, and engaging with the community.
    • Involvement of External Stakeholders: Collaboration extends beyond the immediate project participants to include external stakeholders such as teachers, family members, neighbors, and active agents related to the landscape. Their involvement enriches the collaborative experience and expands the impact of the project.
    • Commissions for Decision-Making: The formation of a commission during the script creation phase exemplifies collaborative decision-making. The commission, defined collectively, ensures that the constructed narratives align with agreed-upon parameters, emphasizing consensus and shared responsibility.
    • Reflective Dialogue: The methodology includes sessions for reflective dialogue, providing a platform for participants to share their experiences, thoughts, and emotions. This open dialogue contributes to a collaborative learning environment where individuals learn from one another.
    • Emphasis on Well-being: Collaboration in this project goes beyond task-oriented activities; it includes attention to the well-being of participants. The emphasis on creating a safe and supportive environment acknowledges the importance of emotional and psychological comfort during collaborative endeavors.

    In summary, the collaborative experience in this project is characterized by inclusive participation, shared decision-making, interdisciplinary contributions, and engagement with external stakeholders. It reflects a model of collaborative learning that extends beyond traditional educational boundaries.

    Type of collaborative action
    Space where the experience is carried out

    The learning experience in this project takes place in multiple settings, reflecting a dynamic and immersive approach. The key locations include: classroom, chosen landscape, social/cultural center of the locality, outdoor locations, computer lab and community spaces.

    Where the learning experience has been developed
    Educational materials and/or resources needed
    • Computers with internet access (students will be provided with video editing software installed on classroom computers).
    • Audiovisual equipment: cameras, tripods, sound recorder, shotgun microphone with boom, and a lavalier microphone for interviews.
    • To address the learning situation directly in the research phase, the teacher and artistic mediator will provide the class with the following specific materials:
      a. Compilation of knowledge sources about the landscape and the chosen theme (maps and writings).
      b. Plan of active agents related to the chosen theme (associations, neighbors, institutions, etc.).


    Initial or pre-assessment
    • Baseline Knowledge and Skills: Before starting the project, it would be valuable to gauge the participants’ baseline knowledge and skills related to the chosen landscape, audiovisual creation, and relevant disciplines. This could be informal, involving discussions, quizzes, or self-assessments.
    • Group Formation Session: The formation of working groups during the research phase could involve a session where participants share their interests, skills, and expectations. This can help assess the diversity of skills within the groups and identify any gaps that need attention.
    • Discussion of Goals and Objectives: At the beginning of the project, the teacher and artistic mediator could engage the participants in a discussion about the project’s goals and objectives. This not only ensures a shared understanding but also provides an opportunity to assess participants’ initial perceptions and expectations.
    • Reflection on Emotional Heritage: In the emotional heritage exercises, participants explore their personal feelings and reactions. This reflective process indirectly serves as a form of self-assessment, allowing participants to become aware of their emotions related to the landscape.
    • Observation during Initial Sessions: The facilitators can observe participant engagement, communication, and collaboration during the early sessions, such as the planteamiento del proyecto general (general project presentation) and the creation of working groups. This observation can provide insights into individual and group dynamics.
    Formative evaluation
    • Group Work and Collaboration: The collaborative nature of the project, especially during group activities like research, emotional exercises, and script creation, allows for continuous observation and assessment of how well participants work together. Formative feedback can be provided based on collaborative dynamics, communication, and contributions.
    • Reflective Dialogues: The scheduled sessions for reflective dialogues provide opportunities for participants to share their experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Facilitators can use these sessions to assess participants’ understanding of the project’s themes, their engagement with the material, and their evolving perspectives.
    • Emphasis on Well-being: The project places a significant emphasis on creating a safe and supportive environment. Formative evaluation includes ongoing assessments of participants’ emotional well-being, ensuring that the emotional exercises are conducted in a supportive atmosphere.
    • Skill Development: Practical skill development in areas such as acting, camera operation, and video editing provides opportunities for formative assessment. Facilitators can observe participants’ progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide feedback to enhance their skills.
    • Dialogue During Commission Creation: The creation of a commission during the script creation phase introduces a formative element. This commission can engage in ongoing discussions to ensure that the constructed narratives align with the agreed-upon parameters, allowing for adjustments and refinements based on collective input.
    • Real-time Observation during Filming: The filming phase, where participants play roles and handle technical aspects, provides a real-time context for formative assessment. Observations during the sessions dedicated to the use and handling of equipment, as well as during the actual filming, can inform feedback on participants’ application of skills.
    • Event Participation: The participatory event, specifically the film forum, serves as an opportunity for formative evaluation. Observations of participants’ roles in moderating discussions, presenting their works, and engaging with the audience can provide insights into their overall growth and learning throughout the project.
    • Autoevaluation and Colective Evaluation: The inclusion of both self-assessment (autoevaluación) and collective evaluation practices adds a formative dimension. Participants reflect on their attitudes at different project phases, providing insights into their perceived challenges and successes.
    Final evaluation
    • Autoevaluation and Collective Evaluation: The participants engage in self-assessment (autoevaluación) where they evaluate their own attitudes throughout different phases of the project. Additionally, collective evaluation involves collaborative assessment by participants, teachers, and facilitators. These evaluations provide insights into individual and group reflections on the entire project.
    • Film Forum – Public Presentation: The culminating event, the film forum, serves as a platform for the public presentation of the collective audiovisual works. This event allows participants to showcase their achievements to a wider audience, including colleagues, teachers, family members, and neighbors. The reception and engagement during the film forum contribute to the overall evaluation of the project’s success.
    • Moderation Skills: Participants take an active role in moderating discussions during the film forum. The evaluation includes assessing their moderation skills, including communication, articulation of ideas, and the ability to facilitate meaningful conversations.
    • Achievement of Learning Objectives: The extent to which participants have achieved the project’s learning objectives is a critical aspect of the final evaluation. This involves reviewing the objectives related to reflection, creativity, understanding of the chosen landscape, and acquisition of technical skills in acting and audiovisual production.
    • Quality of Audiovisual Works: The final films are evaluated based on their quality, coherence, and alignment with the project’s goals. This assessment considers the effectiveness of the narratives in reflecting the social and emotional perception of the landscape and how well participants have applied their learned skills in audiovisual production.
    • Community Engagement: The participation of external stakeholders, such as family members, neighbors, and active agents related to the landscape, adds a community engagement dimension to the final evaluation. The impact of the project on the community and the extent to which it resonates with external participants contribute to the overall evaluation.
    • Learning Beyond Intellectual Knowledge: The project’s emphasis on emotional knowledge and its integration into the learning process is evaluated in the final assessment. This includes participants’ ability to put words, images, and music to their co-creation, demonstrating a deeper understanding that goes beyond intellectual knowledge.
    • Long-Term Impact: While not explicitly mentioned, the project’s final evaluation might also consider its long-term impact on participants. This involves assessing whether the skills, perspectives, and collaborative experiences gained during the project continue to influence participants beyond the immediate learning environment.

    Supplementary materials

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    EDULANDS is a 2-year strategic partnership, supported by the European Union. 2021-2023.