• Collaborative tools to connect School and Landscape
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    Edulands learning experience

    Caminos Perdidos de la Transhumancia

    IES Poeta Julián Andúgar Santomera
    Miguel Pallarés
    IES Poeta Julián Andúgar, Av. Poeta Julián Andúgar, 14, 30140 Santomera, Murcia
    Joaquín Lisón Barq
    Indirect Film,
    Conchi Meseguer Molina
    Indirect Film,

    The action involves the study and connection with the forgotten landscape of transhumance in the municipality of Santomera through the creation of a guided documentary. Students have examined the elements of their municipality’s landscape through this ancient practice, subsequently developing fictional stories interpreted and sensitized through mediation and theatricalization. Activities include the study of direct sources such as old maps or laws associated with transhumance, interviews with transhumant shepherds, visits to spaces related to transhumance for understanding, and staging. These activities were carried out leading up to the final production of the docufiction film and its presentation to society.


    • Heritage
    • Landscape
    • Livestock Farming
    • Livestock Paths or Routes
    • Sustainable and circular economy

    Learning objetives and goals

    • Introduce them to the concept of landscape and how they perceive it.
    • Identify elements in their immediate surroundings that they value as important components of their landscape, particularly within the context of Santomera.
    • Help them organize in a structured manner (both visually and orally) what they consider relevant in the Santomera landscape (create a mind map).
    • Gauge, according to their perspective, the impact of their immediate environment.
    Topics related to landscape and transition

    Learning experience data sheet

    Geography and History
    2nd ESO
    Age range of students
    13-14 years old
    Number of students
    Number of groups/classes
    Number of sessions needed to develop in the experience
    Total time invested in the experience
    50 hours


    Study area

    The action takes place in the geographical context of Santomera, focusing on the transhumance activity and its livestock paths. Several routes associated with this practice traverse Santomera, dating back to ancient times and coinciding with major communication routes along natural water courses used for the transit of livestock in past eras. Moreover, during a long period when human settlement was scarce, human presence was confined to agricultural and livestock activities in passageways, canyons, shelters, and refuges.

    In a more recent era, it was a thriving livestock economy until today, where these spaces have been occupied by various elements, degrading the original concept of the activity. Nowadays, the rich intangible heritage associated with transhumant livestock practices is scarcely known.

    Pedagogical methodology
    • Assessing prior knowledge to facilitate meaningful learning.
    • Creating a motivating learning situation to achieve a solution to a posed problem (Project-Based Learning or Problem-Based Learning, PBL).
    • Introducing principles of heritage education specific to the municipality of Santomera.
    • The entire methodological process is based on learning activities integrated into various contexts that pose a challenge and intellectual challenge for our students, where they learn by themselves, in a teamwork environment, and associated with the scientific research method.
    Space where the experience is carried out

    The action has taken place in the following spaces:

    • At the school: Both in the schoolyard and in the classroom.
    • In various predominantly rural and historical spaces: Livestock farms, mountains, areas where prehistoric shelters of an agricultural and livestock nature are located, the orchard, public spaces such as the town hall, and livestock paths.
    • In the auditorium of the Town Hall.
    Where the learning experience has been developed
    Educational materials and/or resources needed

    Classroom materials (whiteboard, school supplies, etc.), ancient maps printed on A3 paper (up to 6 maps from different eras), a dossier of educational materials with various informative elements for studying livestock paths (images, laws, activities…), video cameras, and computers for post-production work, props (costumes) for scene preparation.


    Initial or pre-assessment
    1. The pre-assessment aims to identify students’ understanding of concepts before the action. It seeks to determine whether they recognize what a livestock path is and its connection to the concept of heritage.
    2. It assesses their awareness and sensitivity toward intangible elements associated with the cultural and historical context of the municipality.
    3. Students are prompted to express their initial perceptions and distinguish relevant concepts related to the image presented.
    Formative evaluation

    A two-phase evaluation process, initial and final, has been implemented, both using a consistent format. Throughout the entire process, qualitative and quantitative records of various student activities have been collected to use the work as a grade aligned with the evaluation criteria implemented during the process.

    For both the initial and final evaluations, the same open-ended document has been utilized. This document features an image depicting a situation that includes several concepts. In the image, a livestock path is shown, coinciding with the passage of trucks towards the industry. This duality represents the concept of tradition through the currently lost paths like livestock routes and progress through industry, a situation that aligns with the context of Santomera.

    The pre-evaluation aims to identify which concepts students distinguish before the implementation of the action. It seeks to understand if they consider what a livestock path is and its relationship with the concept of heritage, while also assessing their awareness of intangible elements. Finally, after analyzing the evaluations, the results are quantified in relation to the action.

    Final evaluation
    1. The final evaluation involves revisiting the same open-ended document, allowing students to demonstrate what they have learned and how their perspectives have evolved.
    2. Students are asked to analyze the image again, providing insights into the impact of the action on their understanding of the concepts.
    3. The results are quantified in relation to the objectives and criteria set for the action, considering both qualitative and quantitative aspects of their learning.

    Overall, the evaluations serve as a comprehensive assessment of the students’ knowledge, awareness, and engagement with the educational initiative on transhumance and heritage in Santomera.

    Supplementary materials

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    EDULANDS is a 2-year strategic partnership, supported by the European Union. 2021-2023.